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Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences are sentences that have or imply a condition. They have an "if" part and an outcome part. Here is a table to choose which one you wish to use with reminders of the tenses:
Type of condition The 'if' part The 'outcome' part Example
The result happened every time the condition was fulfilled

Not sure yet. I'll come back to this type of condition
The outcome is equally likely or unlikely (future probability si + present present
imperative (command)
Je veux savoir si vous allez venir = I want to know if you are going to come

si vous sortez, je sortirai aussi = if you leave, I'll leave too
Si sale, saldré también / saldré si sale = If you leave, I'll leave too

Si vous voulez faire des amis, parlez avec moi = If you want to be friends, talk with me
Doubts, hypotheses or impossibilities
(also called contrary-to-fact clauses)
si  + imperfect
You take the -ons from the nous form and add the endings
the 'would' tense (conditional tense).
You usually add the imperfect endings at the end of the verb
Doubts: the outcome would happen if the 'si' part happened, so the event could still occur:

Je serais surpris si elle s'excusait = I

Note that you can use que too but you don't have to (subjunctive use):
J'aimerais qu'on puisse me réveiller demain matin = I would appreciate it if someone could wake me tomorrow morning (literally: I would appreciate that someone could wake me tomorrow morining)

A hypothesis - the part in the conditional tense is not true:
Si vous achetiez un portable mobile, vous pourriez m'appeler tous les jours = if you bought a mobile, you would be able to call me every day
Expressing what would've happened but didn't
si + "had tense" + past participle
This is the pluperfect or past perfect tense - make avoir / être imperfect plus the past participle (j'avais... / on était...)
The “would've” tense (past conditional tense)
aur / ser + imperfect endings (similar to the way that you would make the conditional of any verb)
Si je t'avais vu, je t'aurais le cadeau = if I had seen you, I would've given you the gift (but I didn't see you)

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