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Indefinite pronoun | meaning |
algo / nada | Algo means
'something' in positive sentences. You use nada in negative sentences
(meaning nothing) It can also mean 'a bit' e.g. es algo extraño = he's a bit odd Nada can be put in front of a verb without 'no' but this is a formal or literary use and isn't common in speech |
alguien / nadie | Alguien
means somebody / anybody in positive sentences. You use nadie in
negative sentences (meaning nobody). No vino nadie / Nadie vino = nobody came (nadie is the subject of this verb) No conocía a nadie = I didn't know anybody (nadie is the object so use 'a' since you're talking about a person) |
alguno / ninguno | These can
be used as adjectives or as pronouns. As pronouns, they change like
'uno' does (note the necessary accent on algún before a
masculine singular noun) and in negative sentences, ninguno is used. Adjective: Algún / alguna means the odd, one or two etc. Algún día podré comprarlo = I will be able to buy it one day Algunos / algunas mean 'some' or 'a few' (implying not others, some specific...) En algunos casos... = In some cases... Algunas de las palabras son difíciles de decir = Some of the words are difficult to say ¿Hay alguna diferencia entre estos dos verbos? = Is there any difference between these two verbs? Note you don't say it when you aren't specifying an amount of something e.g. Quiero comprar pan = I want to buy bread As a pronoun (singular or plural), you use alguno or algunos which means some of the, the odd... etc. |
bastante(s) | Enough / plenty Había bastantes sillas = there were plenty of chairs |
cada | every each e.g. un espacio para cada persona = a space for each person |
cada uno / una | Each one /
everybody Le dió un regalo a cada uno = He gave everybody a gift |
cada cual | Each Cada cual que saque sus propias conclusiones = Let each one draw their own conclusions Cada cual saque sus propias conclusiones = Each one draw your own conclusions |
cualquier(a) cualesquiera |
This can
mean 'any' when you don't care which one. Use cualquier before any noun En cualquier caso = in any case Cualquiera que sea el problema = Whatever the problem may be (NOTE subjunctive use) cualquiera puede hacerlo = anybody can do it but use alguien in questions (¿Alguien puede hacerlo?) Note: If you use it after the noun, it can sound a bit critical or insulting. cualquiera de means 'any of' Puede usar cualquiera de estes ordenadores = You can use any of these computers Cualesquiera que sean los problemas = whatever the problems may be (NOTE subjunctive use) - you can also use 'sean cuáles sean los problemas' |
igual(es) | The same Tenemos igual derecho = We have the same right |
los / las demás | The others
/ the rest Me quedé, los demás se fueron = I stayed, the others left Los demás no me interesa = The rest don't interest me |
mismo/a(s) | The same - always put 'the' in front of this: la misma gente cometió posteriormente los mismos errores = Later the same people comitted the same mistakes |
mucho/a(s) | Many / much Muchas de las alfombras son caras = Many of the carpets are expensive |
otro/a(s) | another / other |
poco/a(s) | Few /
little Había muchos zapatos, pero vimos pocos que nos gustaran = There were many shoes, but we saw few that we liked |
quien(es) | who (use
quienes when you are sure you're talking about many people) This can replace el que etc. when you are talking about humans: Quienes / los que puedan patinar... = Those who can skate... (NOTE subjunctive use in this instance since you're not talking about any people in particular) This is not always indefinite. It can be used in relative clauses: El hombre quien me ayuda... = The man who helps me... |
semejante(s) | such (a) no he visto a semejante hombre= I haven't seen such a man no he visto semejante cosa = I haven't seen such a thing |
tanto/a(s) | So much /
many Hay tanta gente = There are many people |
todo/a(s) | All /
everything Todo va bien = Everything's going well Vi todo = I saw everything |
uno/a | This is
similar to the English use of the word 'one' Si uno tiene que comprarlo, traiga más dinero = If one has to buy it, bring more money (if a woman is referring to herself, use una) In this type of sentence, the tú form has a tendency to be used, making the sentence less formal: Si tienes que... Uno or tú must be used when a verb already uses 'se' (to make an impersonal form) as you can't use se twice: A veces uno tiene que divertirse con lo que pasa = Sometimes one has to amuse onself with what is happening Si uno se levanta temprano, se pueda disfrutar del día = If one get's up early, one can enjoy the day (levantarse already has 'se') Uno se olvida de esas cosas / Te olvidas de esas cosas = One forgets these things ('olvidarse de' already has 'se') |
unos/unas (cuantos / cuantas) | Quite a few nos separan unos cuantos kilómetros = quite a few kilometres seperate us |
(el) otro una... (la) otra unos... (los) otros unas... (las) otras |
one... the other Unos cuestan cuarenta euros, los otros cuarenta y cinco euros = Some cost forty euros, the others forty-five |
varios/as | Several Varios de ellos nos gustaron mucho = We liked several of them a lot ('varias de ellas' would've been used if there was a reference to a number of feminine objects) |
que |
These can
be used as pronouns and in relative clauses. Spanish (like English) misses out words to shorten the sentence, mentioned below. As pronouns, they can mean something like the one that / who etc. but if you use the subjunctive, the idea of 'anyone' is emphasized: El que puede decir eso es inteligente = The man / person who can say that is intelligent El que pueda decir eso es inteligente = Anyone who can say that is intelligent (NOTE: the subjunctive on pueda) La que vino ayer = The girl / woman who came yesterday Here, instead of La chica que... you can miss that out and have La que... or another example, instead of El hombre que puede... you can say El que puede... Note the use in relative clauses: Roberto es el que puede hablar inglés = Robert is the one that can speak English In relative clauses, you miss out "...el hombre que..." so you don't have to say "Robert is the man that can speak English" El que lo haya visto tiene que dármelo -- Anyone who has seen it must give it to me (subjunctive used since it's not known who's seen it) |
lo que | This
is the neuter version of the above when you aren't referring to
something: Lo que me gusta... = The thing that I like Puedo recordar lo que me dijo = I can remember what he said to me |
el /
la / los / las de |
These mean
something like 'the one belonging to / from' La casa de Roberto es más grande que la de Ana = Robert's house is bigger than Anne's Just like English, some words are omitted so you don't have to say Robert's house is bigger than Anne's house so in Spanish, you don't have to say "La casa de Roberto es más grande que la casa de Ana" |
lo de | This
is the neuter version of the above, used when the speaker and listener
are aware of the subject matter. Lo de Roberta es maravilloso = That business about Roberta is marvellous Lo de ayer es mejor que me lo diga = It's better if you tell me what happened yesterday |
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