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Verbs in Spanish with a reverse construction

There are numerous Spanish verbs that may confuse English speakers because they have, or apparently have a reverse construction. They may seem odd because the object is placed after the verb.
I might place all the verbs I can find in this table that have an indirect object, where English uses a direct object. I'm not sure if that will be useful.
Here is a table of all the ones that I have encountered:

AburrirTo bore
A Miguel le aburre el tenis = (or a reflexive use) Miguel se aburre del tenis = Tennis bores Miguel
BastarLe basta pan = He has enough bread (or there's enough bread for him)
Caer bien / malTo get on well / badly with someone
Sus hermanos me caen muy bien = I get on very well with your brothers
also 'Te cae bien' = 'It looks good on you'
CostarEso me costó mucho = That was difficult to me
Dar miedoTo give fear
Las montañas rusas le dan miedo a Miguel = Miguel is frightened of rollercoasters
DisgustarTo disgust
Las manzanas le disgustan a él = Apples disgust him
DolerTo hurt
Me duele la pierna = My leg hurts
EncantarTo be delighted by / to like very much
Me encantan sus fotos = I really like your photos
EnfadarTo become angry
A Beatríz le enfadó su amigo = Batríz is becoming angry with her friend
or a reflexive use:
Beatríz se enfadó con su amigo
FaltarTo be needing / lacking
Le falta un euro = You're missing a euro (at a cashier, you need to pay another euro)
GustarTo like (to be pleasing to)
Le gusta el libro = I like the book (the book is pleasing to me)
No me gusta que salga con ellos
I don't like (the fact that) you go out with them
Note that the position is flexible:
Antonio me gusta / me gusta Antonio
Él me gusta / Me gusta él
To clarify things, use 'a' for things like 'le gusta el coche a ella' = 'She likes the car'
A ella le gusta el coche
Le gusta a ella el coche
Hacer faltaTo be necessary (for a purpose)
Hacer graciaTo be funny to someone
HorrorizarTo horrify / appall
ImportarTo be important
¿Le importaría acompañarme? = Would you mind accompanying me?
InteresarTo interest
A Roberto no le interesa la natación = I'm not interested in swimming.
Or in a reflexive form - Roberto se interesa en / por la natación
MolestarTo bother
¿Le molesta si fumo? = Would it bother you if I smoke?
ObsesionarEso le obsesiona = He obsesses over this
ParecerLe parece...
QuedarMe queda sólo uno = I've only one left (one is remaining to me)
RecibirTo receive / welcome
Venir bienLe viene bien = He approves of it / it suits him

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