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Verb | Definition and notes |
abandonarse a + inf | To give onself up to |
abstener de + inf | to abstain from |
aburirse de + inf | to get bored with doing |
abusar de + obj | to abuse, overindulge in |
acabar con + obj acabar de + inf acabar por + inf |
to finish, put an end to to have just (done something) to finish by / end up doing |
acercarse a + inf acercarse a + obj |
To approach to – but
para can be used instead to approach |
acertar a + inf | to manage to |
acordarse de + inf acordarse de + obj acordarse de +obj + de + inf |
remember to to remember to remember something / somebody / doing (note that you can use "recordar algo" for "to remember something") |
acordarse con | to agree with |
acostumbrarse a + inf/obj acostumbrarse a obj a + inf |
to become accustomed to/get used to to get used to obj / doing Todavía no me puedo acostumbrar del todo a la comida = I still haven't quite gotten used to the food Also acostumbrar means to be accustomed to No acostumbro hacerlo |
acusar a + alguien de algo / de haber + past participle acusar de + inf |
to accuse somebody of doing /
having done to accuse of |
advertir a alguien de algo | to notify / warn somebody about something |
afanarse por + inf | to strive to |
aficionarse a algo / a + inf | to grow fond of something / of doing |
alcanzar a + inf | to manage to |
alegrarse de + inf alegrarse de algo / de + haber + past participle |
to be happy, pleased to to be glad about something / of doing / having done |
alejarse de + obj | to go away from |
alicarse a + inf | To apply onself to |
alimentarse de + obj | To feed on |
amenazar a alguien con algo / con
+ inf amenazar con + inf amenazar con + obj |
to threaten somebody with / to do to threaten to to threaten with |
animar a + inf | to encourage to |
apartarse de + obj | to keep away from |
apoderarse de + obj | to take possession of |
apoyarse en + obj | to lean on/against |
aprender a + inf | to learn to |
apresurarse a + inf | to hurry to do |
aprovecharse de + obj | to take advantage of |
aproximarse a obj | to come near/approach |
apurarse por + inf apurarse por + obj |
to strive to to get anxious about |
arrancar a + alguien | To snatch from someone |
arrepentirse de + inf | to regret |
arrimarse a + obj | To lean against |
asemejarse a + obj | to resemble, look like |
asistir a + obj | to attend/be present at |
asomarse a + obj | to appear at / to lean out of |
asombrarse de + inf | to be surprised at doing (this doesn't use 'de' when the verb is not reflexive) |
aspirar a + inf | To aspire to |
asustarse de/por + obj | to get frightened about |
atreverse a + inf | to dare to |
autorizar a + inf | to authorize to |
avergonzarse a inf avergonzarse de + inf avergonzar de obj de haber + past participle |
To venture to to be ashamed of to be ashamed of something / somebody / of doing/ have done |
avisar de | avisar means to
communicate something avisar de means the same as prevenir de |
ayudar a + inf ayudar a alguien a + inf |
to help to help somebody to do |
bajar a + inf bajar de + obj |
To go down to – but para
can be used instead to get out of, get off, descend from |
burlarse de + obj | to make fun of |
cambiar de + obj cambiar por + obj |
to change to exchange for |
cansarse de + inf/obj cansarse de obj de + inf |
to tire (get tired) of to tire of obj/ of doing |
carecer de + obj | to lack |
cargar de algo | to load with something |
casarse con + obj | to marry |
cesar de + inf | to stop |
chocar con algo | to bump/crash in to something |
centrarse en | to focus/concentrate on (an issue etc.) |
comenzar a + inf comenzar con or por + inf |
to begin to to begin with/by |
compadecerse de + obj | to feel sorry for, pity |
comparar con obj | to compare with |
complacerse en + inf | To take pleasure in |
comprar a + alguien | To buy from someone |
comprometerse a + inf | to undertake to |
condenar a + inf | to condemn to |
conducir a + inf | to lead to |
confiar en + inf confiar en + obj |
to trust to to trust, rely on |
consentir en + inf | to consent to |
consistir en + inf/obj | to consist of |
constar de + obj | to consist of (constar = to be evident / on record) |
contar con + inf/obj | to count / rely on contar on it's own means to count or recount (a story) |
contentarse con + inf | to be satisfied with |
contribuir a + inf | to contribute to |
convencerse de + inf | to become convinced |
convenir a convenir con convenir en + inf |
To suit to agree with to agree to |
convertirse en + obj | to turn into, become (with total changes in nature) |
convidar a + inf | to invite to |
correr a + inf | To run to (but para can be used instead) |
cubrir de + obj | to cover with |
cuidar a + obj/inf cuidar de + obj cuidar de + inf cuidarse de hacer algo |
to take care of to take care of to take care, be careful to to take care to do something |
cumplir con + obj | to do one's duty by, fulfill one's obligations toward |
dar a + obj dar con + obj darse cuenta de algo |
to face, overlook to meet, happen upon to realize something |
decidirse a + inf decidirse por + obj |
to decide / make up one's mind to to choose / decide on / settle on Decidir means to convince / decide / persuade Decidí quedarme aquí = I decided to remain here |
dedicarse a + inf/obj | to devote oneself to (career) |
dejar de + inf dejar + inf |
to stop (doing), to fail to to allow (déjeme leer mi libro – let me read my book) |
deleitarse en + inf | To take a delight in |
depender de + obj | to depend on |
desafiar a + inf | to challenge to |
desconfiar de + obj | To mistrust |
descuidar de + inf | To neglect |
desesperarse de + inf | to dispair of |
desistir de + inf | To desist from |
despedirse de + obj | to say good-bye to, take leave of |
despojarse de + obj | to take off (clothes) |
desvelarse por + obj | to be very concerned about |
detenerse a + inf | To stop to |
dirigirse a + obj dirigirse a + sitio / a alguien |
to go toward, address to head for / address somebody |
disculparse de + obj disculparse por + inf |
to apologize for |
disfrutar de + obj | to enjoy |
dispensar de + inf | To excuse from |
disponerse a + inf | to get ready to |
disuadir de + inf | to dissuade from |
divertirse en + inf | to amuse oneself by |
dudar de + obj dudar en + inf |
to doubt to hesitate to |
echar la culpa a + obj echar(se) a + inf |
to blame to begin to |
empeñarse en + inf | to insist on, be determined to |
empezar a + inf empezar por + inf |
to begin to to begin by doing |
enamorarse de + obj | to fall in love with |
encargar de inf encargarse de + inf |
To entrust with to take charge of |
encogerse de (hombros) + obj | to shrug |
encontrarse con + obj | to meet |
enfadarse con alguien enfadarse de (this verb is used in Spain) |
to get annoyed with somebody to get angry at |
enfrentarse con + obj | to face |
enseñar a + inf | to teach to, show how to |
entender de entender de algo de entender en |
to know all about to know a little about to deal with / have to deal with Entender on it's own means "to understand" |
enterarse de + obj | to find out about |
entrar a + inf entrar a + obj entrar en + obj |
To enter to – but para
can be used instead to enter to enter (into) |
entretenerse en + inf | To amuse onself in |
enviar a + inf | To send to |
equivaler a + obj | to equal, be equivalent to |
esconder a + alguien | To hide from someone |
esforzarse en + inf esforzarse por + inf |
To strive to to struggle to |
esperar a esperar en + obj |
to wait until to wait in/at |
a +obj |
to be located from |
estar loco de (alegría) + obj |
to be crazy with (happiness) |
estar de acuerdo con obj |
to agree with |
estar para + inf |
to be about to |
estar por + inf |
to be in favour of (Estoy por trabajar los domingos - I'm in favour of working on Sundays) to be yet to be completed (El suelo está por fregar - The floor is yet to be scrubbed) to be in favor of, to support – here, por isn't part of Estar: |
estar por +obj | No estoy por la
pornografía – I don't support
pornography Estoy luchando por... I'm fighting for... to be in the direction of (Está por el oeste - It's to the west) |
estar sentado a + obj | to be seated at |
excusar de + inf | To excuse from |
exponerse a + inf | To expose oneself to |
faltar a + obj | To break promise |
felicitar por + inf | To congratulate on |
fiarse a + obj fiarse de (alguien) + obj | To trust |
fijarse en + obj | to notice |
forrar de + obj | to line/cover with |
forzar a + inf | to force to |
gozar de + obj | to enjoy |
gritar de (dolor) + obj | to scream in (pain) |
guardarse de + inf | to take care, be careful not to |
haber de + inf | This is an old-fashioned sounding
use in Spain for making mild obligations. Use deber / tener que instead. This also is used in Mexico for suppositions (Spain uses deber de) |
habituarse a + inf | to get used to |
hablar con alguien hablar de |
to talk with somebody to talk about |
hacer bien/mal en + inf hacer caso a alguien hacer frente a |
to be right/wrong to –
to do well/badly in to pay attention to somebody to cope with (see poder con) |
hartarse de + inf hartarse de obj + inf |
to be fed up with to get fed up with obj with doing |
impulsar a + inf | to urge to |
incitar a + inf | to incite to |
inclinar a + inf | to incline to |
incomodarse de + inf | To be annoyed at |
indignarse de + inf | To be indignant at |
inducir a + inf | To induce to |
informarse de + obj | To be informed about |
insistir en + inf | to insist on |
interesarse en + inf interesarse por + obj |
to be interested in to be interested in, to ask about |
invitar a + inf | to invite to in restaurants and bars you can say ¿Quién invita? = Who's paying for us? Te invito = I'm paying for you |
ir a + inf ir a + obj |
to be going to (do something) to go to (the cinema etc.) |
jactarse de + inf/obj | to boast about |
jugar a + obj | to play (a game, sport) |
jurar por + obj | to swear by/on |
lamentarse de + inf | to bemoan |
limitarse a + inf | to limit oneself to |
llegar a + inf llegar a + obj llegar a ser |
to manage to, succeed in, end up to arrive/reach at/in (place) to become |
llenar de + obj | to fill with |
llevar a + inf | to lead to |
luchar por + inf/obj | to struggle for |
mandar a + inf | to send to |
maravillarse de + obj | to marvel at |
meterse a + inf meterse en + obj |
to start to to get involved in |
molestarse en + inf molestarse por + obj |
to bother about, take the trouble
to to bother about |
morir de (hambre) + obj | to die from (hunger) |
mover a | to move to |
mudar de + obj mudarse de casa |
to change (clothes / colours) to move house |
negarse a + inf | to refuse to |
no poder menos de + inf | To not help but |
obligar a + inf obligar a alguien a + inf |
to force, compel to to make somebody do |
ocultar a + alguien | To conceal from someone |
ocuparse de obj ocuparse en + inf |
to take care of / attend to To be busy with |
ofrecerse a | to offer to |
oír hablar de + obj | to hear about |
oler a + obj | to smell like |
olvidar + inf / obj (formal use) olvidarse de + obj / inf olvidarsele a uno + obj / inf |
This verb means to forget / leave
behind and has different forms to forget e.g. Me olvidé decirle = I forgot to tell you to forget e.g. se me olvidó decirte = I forgot to tell you This is used more than saying "remember your passport" etc. so you would say "don't forget your passport" instead |
oponerse a + inf oponerse a algo a + inf |
to oppose / resist to be opposed to something doing |
optar por + inf/obj | to opt for |
pagar con + obj | to pay with/by |
parecerse a + obj | to look like |
parar de + inf pararse a hacer algo pararse en |
to stop to stop to do something to pay attention to Note that pararse means "to come to a halt" in Spain and something different in Latin America |
pasar a + inf pasar de + obj |
to go on to to pass from / be uninterested in |
pedir a + alguien | To ask for someone |
pensar de + obj pensar en + inf/obj |
to think of, have an opinion about to think about |
perder de vista + obj | to lose sight of |
persistir en + inf | to persist in |
persuadir a + inf | to persuade to |
pintar de + obj | to paint + color |
poder con | to cope with (unless you're talking about a problem, then use hacer frente a) |
ponerse a + inf ponerse de acuerdo + obj |
to begin to, set about to come to an agreement |
preguntar por + obj | to ask about/after (e.g. on the
phone) preguntar on it's own means something like "to question" |
preocuparse con + inf preocuparse de + inf preocuparse de/por + obj |
to be concerned with to be concerned about to worry / be concerned about |
prepararse a + inf | to get ready to |
presumir de + inf | to boast about |
privarse de + inf | To be deprived of |
probar a + inf | to try to do |
quedar en + inf quedarse con + obj quedar que / por + inf quedar(se) en + inf quedarse a + inf |
to agree to to keep to remain to be done (queda mucho que / por hacer - there's a lot left to do) to agree to/on to remain to - si llegara antes de las 8 podría quedarse a comer = if he arrived before 8 he could stay for lunch |
quejarse de + inf/obj | to complain about Se quejó de que nadie los ayudaba = He complained that nobody helped them Also "la queja" = "the complaint" |
quitar a + alguien | To take away from someone |
reducir a + inf | To reduce to |
referirse a alguien | to refer to someone |
reírse de + obj | to laugh at |
renunciar a + inf | to renounce |
reparar en + obj | to notice |
resignarse a + inf | to resign oneself to |
resistir a + inf | To resist |
resistirse a + inf | To
be reluctant to, resist / refuse Temptation - No pudo resistir las ganas de decírmelo = She couldn't resist telling me With weight / pressure - el estante no va a resistir tanto peso = The shelf isn't going to hold so much weight To stand pain or sensation - No pueden resistir este calor = They can't stand the heat (or you can use the verb soportar) |
resolverse a + inf | To resolve to |
responder a + obj | to answer / respond |
rezar por + obj | to pray for |
robar a + alguien | To steal from someone |
rodear de | to surround with |
romper a + inf | to (suddenly) start to do |
saber a + obj saber de memoria + obj |
to taste like to memorize, know by heart saber on it's own means to know (facts) or to know how to do something |
salir de + obj salir por + obj |
to leave (from) to leave via |
saltar de (alegría) + obj | to jump for (joy) |
sentarse a (+ una mesa etc.) | to sit down at (+ a table etc.) |
ser aficionado a + obj ser decidido por + obj |
to be a fan of to be decided by |
servir de + obj servir para + inf servirse de + obj |
to serve as / to be useful to to be used for to use |
sonar a + obj | to sound like |
soñar con + inf/obj | to dream of |
sorprenderse de + obj | to be surprised at |
sospechar de + inf | To suspect of |
subir a + inf subir a + obj |
To go up to (in order to) but para
can be used instead to board, get on/into |
tardar en + inf | to take time to, delay in |
tender a + inf | to tend to |
tener ganas de algo / de + inf tener éxito en + inf tener miedo a alguien tener miedo de algo tener que tener que ver con + inf |
to want something / feel like doing to succeed in to be afraid of someone to be afraid of something to have to (implying a strong obligation) to concern, have to do with |
terminar de + inf terminar por + inf |
to stop to end by doing |
tirar de obj | to pull |
tocar a + obj tocarle a + obj |
to knock on to be someone's turn |
tomar a + alguien tomar por + obj |
To take from someone to take for |
trabajar de + (occupation) trabajar en + (place of work) |
to work as to work at / in |
traducir a (+ lenguage) | to translate in to |
tratar de + inf tratarse de + inf tratarse de + obj |
to try to to be about, be a question of to be about, deal with |
triunfar de + obj | To triumph over |
tropezar con + obj | to run across, happen upon |
vacilar en + inf | to hesitate over |
vender en + obj | to sell for (+ amount) |
vengarse de + obj | To take revenge for |
venir a + inf | To come to e.g. vino a verte – She came to see you – but para can be used instead |
venir de | To come from |
vestir de + obj | to dress in |
viajar por (tren, autobús) | to travel by (train, bus) |
volver a + inf | to do something again (more common than the use of otra vez) |
volver en + obj | to return in (+ time) |
volver en sí + obj | to be oneself again, to regain consciousness |
votar por + obj | to vote for |
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