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The English and Spanish number system

Pay particular attention to numbers marked with a *
# English
0 zero cero
1 one uno*
2 two dos
3 three tres
4 four cuatro
5 five cinco
6 six seis
7 seven siete
8 eight ocho
9 nine nueve
10 ten diez
11 eleven once
12 twelve doce
13 thirteen trece
14 fourteen catorce
15 fifteen quince
16 sixteen dieciséis
17 seventeen diecisiete
18 eighteen dieciocho
19 nineteen diecinueve
20 twenty veinte
21 twenty-one veintiuno
22 twenty-two veintidós
23 twenty-three veintitrés
24 twenty-four veinticuatro
25 twenty-five veinticinco
26 twenty-six veintiséis
27 twenty-seven veintisiete
28 twenty-eight veintiocho
29 twenty-nine veintinueve
30 thirty treinta
31 thirty-one treinta y uno
32 thirty-two treinta y dos
35 thirty-five treinta y cinco
40 forty cuarenta
45 forty-five cuarenta y cinco
# English
50 fifty cincuenta
57 fifty-seven cincuenta y siete
60 sixty sesenta
70 seventy setenta
76 seventy-six setenta y seis
77 seventy-seven setenta y siete
80 eighty ochenta
81 eighty-one ochenta y uno
83 eighty-three ochenta y tres
90 ninety noventa
99 ninety-nine noventa y nueve
100 one hundred cien*
101 one hundred and one ciento uno
102 one hundred and two ciento dos
115 one hundred and fifteen ciento quince
200 two hundred doscientos
201 two hundred and one doscientos uno
204 two hundred and four doscientos cuatro
209 two hundred and nine doscientos nueve
248 two hundred and forty-eight doscientos cuarenta y ocho
287 two hundred and eighty-two doscientos ochenta y dos
300 three hundred trescientos
301 three hundred and one trescientos uno
400 four hundred cuatrocientos
500 five hundred quinientos
501 five hundred and one quinientos uno
504 five hundred and four quinientos cuatro
600 six hundred seiscientos
700 seven hundred setecientos
787 seven hundred and eighty-seven setecientos ochenta y siete
800 eight hundred ochocientos
900 nine hundred novecientos
1000 one thousand mil
1001 one thousand and one mil uno
1002 one thousand and two mil dos
2000 two thousand dos mil
2209 two thousand two hundred and nine dos mil doscientos nueve
1000000 one million un millón



Some numbers require an accent mark to force the stress in to the same place as you would expect it to be (compare tres with veintitrés)

1: This has a number of forms which agree with the noun whether it's stated or implied:
uno (as a number)
un + masculine noun
una + feminine noun
So you may hear a sentence ending in "... y una" if it is implying a feminine noun.
There are different ways of expressing the concept of "some" (see this article). For a small number of countable things:
unos + a masculine plural noun
unas + a feminine plural noun
Han venido unos españoles = Some (or a couple) of Spanish people have come
¿Quieres unos libros? = Do you want some books?
Unos me gustan y otros no = Some I like, others I don't like
Los unos dicen que sí = Some say yes
Llegaron unos y se ducharon = Some people arrived and showered

21, 31 - 91 Numbers ending in uno
ochenta y una casas
Also change the spelling of ventiún + masculine noun. The accent is needed to force the stress in to the same place as the other variations.
There is some uncertainty when the numbers 21, 31, ... 91 are in front of another word. In writing, you always have an s on the noun e.g. veintiún libros but in speech you may hear it without the s.

Always use cien before a plural noun or before mil and before millón but in speech, cien and ciento are heard when spoken alone or in counting a series of numbers.
Ciento is used in percentages (el veinte por ciento) and before another number (ciento dos) but use cien at all other times (cien mil cinco).
100 = cien
101 = ciento uno
110 = ciento diez
1100 = mil cien (because cien is not before another number)
1101 = mil ciento uno
100 000 = cien mil
ciento dieciocho = one hundred and eighteen
mil cien metros = eleven hundred metres
cien millón = one hundred million
cien ciento
100 on its own before another number (ciento dos etc.)
before another noun por ciento (but see the next section below)
cien mil (100 000)
cien millón

According to el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, when ciento acts as a noun, cien is preferred. However, ciento is used in certain fixed constructions (phrases, proverbs etc.). The plural of ciento is cientos (don't use a plural of cien) e.g.
te lo he explicado cientos de veces = I've explained it to you hundreds of times.

The use with percentages

To express a percentage, use por ciento:
El treinta por ciento de los casos tarda más de un año en resolverse.

According to el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, to express totality, there are three variations of 100%
cien por cien
ciento por ciento
cien por ciento

According to la Real Academia, the expressions formed with cien are used in Spain. In America, ciento is used.

200 - 900 have feminine forms e.g. trescientas casas, doscientas cincuenta mesas.

No change before numbers e.g. ocho mil euros = 8000 euros but if you use it as a noun:
los miles de corredores que llegan a la vez = the thousands of runners that arrive at the same time

this uses de before nouns
un millón de insectos = million insects

notice that with some verbs, there's a stressed e→ie and a stressed o→ue, there's something similar going on with the numbers 70, 700 and 900

Remember that Spain's usage of . and , are the other way around so one point five is 1,5 and a million is 1.000.000

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