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= the year l'année = the whole year |
le jour = the
day la journée = the whole day |
le matin = in
the morning la matinée = the whole morning |
le soir = in
the evening la soirée = the whole evening |
With most adjectives (also this, that...)Use the LONG versions for these:la bonne année = the New Year (also "le nouvel an" = "the New Year") l'année bissextile = leap year l'année fiscale = the tax year l'année passée = last year l'année scolaire = the school year À l'année prochaine = see you next year, as a greeting but you may see a phrase l'an prochain = the next year This... You use cette with année: ce jour / matin / soir = this day / morning / evening cette année = this year Cette année, j'arrête de fumer = this year, I'll stop smoking Il fait très froid cette année = It is very cold this year I just want to point out here that 'nuit' has nothing to do with this difference between long and short versions because you only have one version of it. I mention it here in case you get confused with this word. Cette nuit means tonight if you use it in a sentence in the future or last night if you use it in the past. We use an or année with the adjectives prochain, dernier and nouveau. With all the other adjectives, the only possibility is année. L'an dernier / l'année dernière, j'ai étudié en Espagne. L'an prochain / l'année prochaine, je serai en Espagne. Tous les ans / chaque année, je vais a la mer. (but NOT "chaque an") Le Nouvel An se fête dans le monde entier (and we say "Bonne année!") Also: Jour de l'An, Nouvel An (January 1st) Nouvelle Année en ce début de l'an 2009 ... en ce début de l'année 2009 ... |
My, your, his etc.Use the LONG versions for these BUT they are feminine words so as you may know, one feminine thing (or noun) can have the choice between mon, ma, son, sa etc. You choose the one that flows better. With année, you use mon, son and ton (the letter n flows in to année better).Elle est la première de son année = She's the first in her year (or class) |
Non-specificIf you are not specifying which year, morning etc. use the LONG versions:certaines années = certain years (some but not others) Tous, toute... BUT be careful with the word 'all' or 'every'. The short versions are just for counting but the long versions (as mentioned at the start) are emphasizing 'all that time'. tous les jours = everyday toute la journée = all day (all that day) |
Questions with a prepositionUse the LONG versions like "En quelle année...? = In which year...?" except:Quel jour est-il? = What day is it? |
With numbersYou have choice between the two here. If you are just describing an amount of time, use the short versions but if you want to emphasize the duration, use the long versions:il a vingt ans = he is twenty years old Une femme de vingt-deux ans = A twenty-two year old woman. en l'an huit cent = in the year 800 l'an mil neuf cent= in 1900 (although in speech, the French usually say things like nineteen twelve like we do by grouping numbers in to two). trois ans = three years BUT trois années difficiles = three difficult years (this sentence uses année because you have used an adjective, and it is descriptive) J'ai passé seize merveilleuses journées à Paris = I've spent 16 marvellous days in Paris |
With an adverb that relates to time or daysAn adverb is like an adjective but it doesn't change in the feminine or plural because it usually describes verbs. Words like tomorrow or yesterday can be used with the SHORT versions such as "hier soir = last night" or "demain matin = tomorrow morning".On vous voit samedi soir / On se voit samedi soir = We'll see you Saturday evening On vous voit le lendemain soir = Well see you the following evening Incidentally, in the eighties is "dans les années quatre-vingt" but the twentieth century is "au vingtième siècle". |
PrepositionsThese are words that relate one thing with another like on in "the plate is on the table". The preposition on relates the word plate with the word table.Use the SHORT versions: pendant dix ans = during ten years trois fois par an = three times a year il a été condamné à 20 ans de prison = he has been sentenced to 20 years in prison |
entendre | to hear /
understand Est-ce que vous entendez de la musique? = do you hear music? Vous y entendez quelque chose? = Do you understand this at all? entendu! = agreed! also: s'entendre = to get along (with) or hear oneself s'entendre avec quelqu'un = to get along with someone (which gives the expression "s'entendre comme chien et chat = to not get along at all") s'entendre sur ...= to agree upon ... |
écouter | to listen to écouter quelqu'un / quelque chose des cédés / des chansons = to listen to someone / something / CDs / songs |
rendre | to come back -
and many other translations like to pronounce (judgement) / restore
(health) etc. rendre quelque chose à quelqu'un = to give something back to someone rendre la monnaie = to give change also: se rendre = to give oneself up se rendre quelque part = to go somewhere se rendre à = to comply or bow to (in arguments etc.) se rendre compte de quelque chose = to realize something le rendez-vous = appointment prendre rendez-vous avec quelqu'un = to make an appointment with someone Il a rendez-vous à cinq heure = he has an appointment at 5 o'clock |
retourner | to go back -
and other translations like to turn over, shake etc. note that you use être with retourné(e)(s) when you want to say I / he / she etc. has returned BUT use avoir when the verb does something to something (this is a normal use - reflexive verbs and verbs that can't do anything so something use être and verbs that can do something use avoir, a few like descendre can use both with a change in meaning) retourner quelque chose à quelqu'un = to return something to someone (like rendre in this case) retourner quelque part / à ... = to go back / to (à ... is also used with activities) retourner quelque chose = to turn something over (like an omlet / your room / your pockets inside out) - use AVOIR with this Ils sont retournés dans leurs pays = they have returned to their countries Il est retourné à sa place = he returned to his seat also: se retourner = to turn around s'en retourner = to go back |
l'ai de nouveau écrit Je l'ai encore écrite |
} I have written it again |
encore | It can mean
'still' elle dort encore = she's still sleeping pas encore = not yet It can mean 'again' or 'still more'mentioned above like 'encore une fois' = (once) again Il ira encore demain = He will go again tomorrow encore de la glace? = some more ice-cream? encore trois jours = three more days Pourrais-je avoir encore une serviette? = May I have an extra towel? It can make something more intensive (note the use of 'de'): encore plus fort = even louder encore du pain, s'il vous plaît! = more bread please! It can show a restriction, meaning things like "even so" etc. encore pourrais-je le voir si ... = even so, I might be able to see him if ... Il ne suffit pas d'être calme, encore faut-il être réservé = it is not enough to be calm, you have to be reserved Also putting 'et encore' at the end of a sentence can mean "but only just!" or "if that" Ça vaut €10, et encore = it's worth €10, if that Incidentally, the French do not say "encore" at a comedy show etc. They say "bis". If you say encore! then this man mean "not again!" |
autre | autre chose =
something else BUT l'autre chose = the other thing so Je voudrais autre chose = I would like something else Avez-vous autre chose = Have you something else? as mentioned above, you can say je préférais un autre verre = I would prefer another / different glass - so if you want the same thing again, you would say "Je voudrais encore un verre de vin rouge". This has a few other uses. like autre part = somewhere else. also: à d'autres! = you're having me on! j'en ai vu d'autres = I've seen worse |
Adverb | meaning |
assez de | enough e.g. j'ai assez d'amis = I have enough friends |
autant de | as / so much,
as / so many (also used in comparisions) il y a autant d'hommes que de femmes = there are as much men as there are men |
beaucoup de | a lot of e.g.
il y en a beaucoup = there are many / a lot of them Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps = I haven't much time |
bien de + le /la / les | a lot of / a
good many e.g. bien du mal = a lot of harm, bien du temps = quite a
time, bien des gens = a good many people but there are uses without le / la / les e.g. dire du bien de quelqu'un / quelque chose = to speak well of somebody / something |
combien de | how much / many
e.g. combien de langues parlez-vous? = how many languages do you speak? or "quelles langues parlez-vous?" |
moins de | less / fewer |
peu de | little / few |
plus de | more e.g. plus de pain = more bread, plus de 5 personnes = more than / over 5 people |
tant de | so much / so
many il y a tant de nourriture! = there is soo much food! You can end with "... de trop" meaning "... too much / many or 'en trop' - du lait en trop = too much milk |
trop de | too much / many j'ai acheté trop de pain = I have bought too much bread |
Je préférais ne pas l'acheter | { | I would prefer
not to buy it I would rather not buy it |
French | General meaning | Opposite meaning (antonym) |
partir | to leave / depart / die (euphemism) | arriver |
s'en aller | to leave / die
(euphemism) / retire S'en aller ≈ partir, but slightly more informal |
arriver |
laisser | to leave something behind | |
quitter | to leave someone or something (for a long time) | |
sortir | to leave a place / object, to exit | entrer |
I left my key = J'ai laissé ma clé{ | chez
Michel à la reception |
= at Michel's
house = at the reception |
Meaning | Which one | Example |
Two events happening simultaneously | quand / lorsque | |
Questions (direct or implied) |
quand | Quand
arrivera-vous ? = When will you arrive? Je ne sais pas quand il arrivera = I don't know when he will arrive |
When(ever) or "every time that..." |
quand | Je ne me sens
pas bien quand je voyage en train = I don't feel well when I travel by
train Je ne me sentirai pas bien quand je voyagerai en train = I will not feel well whenever I travel by train Whenever can be translated by "chaque fois que" or "toutes les fois que" |
Whereas / when | lorsque | J'ai
parlé lorsqu'il a fallu chuchoter = I spoke whereas I should
have whispered Je parlerai lorsqu'il faudra chuchoter = I'll speak when I should whisper 'Whereas' can be translated by "alors que" or "tandis que" |
A short length of time | lorsque | Lorsque here
can mean "au moment où" or "à l'époque
où": lorsque je m'endors, je ronfle aussitôt = I snore the moment I fall asleep |
A longer length of time | quand | Quand je dors, ça dure des heures = When I sleep, it can last a few hours |
Used with... | C'est | Il est (or with people: il / elle est, ils / elles sont) |
an adjective | ... with a
situation C'est étonnant = It's surprising In speech, c'est + adjective + que / de is often used instead of il est |
... with a
person or impersonal expression Il est sympathique = he is nice (or 'sympa') ... with an adjective + que / de - you always put in a 'de' between an adjective and the infinitive (unchanged verb) It est facile de critiquer = It's easy to critisize Il est possible qu'il parle français = it's possible that he speaks French (parle is in the subjunctive after this particular adjective) In speech, c'est is often used like this too c'est possible que ... |
an adverb | ...with an
adverb that's modified C'est trop tôt = It's too early C'est à Noël qu'ils viennent = It's at Christmas that they are coming (adverbial expression) (saying when something is happening is an adverb, e.g. ils viennent à cinq heures = they are coming at 5'o clock) |
... with an
adverb Il est déjà parti = he is already left (elle est déjà partie = she's already left) Il est ici = He is here Il est tôt = It's early It est temps que je parte = It's time I went (partes is in the subjunctive tense) |
a noun | ... with a
modified noun or introducing a noun C'est un masseur = He's a masseur C'est une bonne réceptionniste C'est une voiture = It's a car Ce sont des chevaux = those are horses ... with time expressions C'est janvier = It's January C'est le printemps = it's spring C'est le 3 janvier = It's the 3rd of January |
... with a noun
already mentioned or impersonal sentence Il est masseur = He's a masseur (elle est masseuse = she's a masseuse) Il est huit heures = It's eight o'clock Il est midi = It's noon A noun mentioned earlier Son portefeuille ? Il est sur la table = Your wallet? It's on the table. —Je ne retrouve plus mon portefeuille = I can't find my wallet —Il est sur la table = It's on the table In the above case, il est is used because the noun is masculine. You use elle / ils / elles depending on the gender and number of the noun mentined earlier Les clés ? Elles sont sur la table = The keys? They are on the table. To translate 'there are' in a very literary style, you can use 'il est' Il est des gens qui parlent français = There are some people who speak French Normally you use 'il y a': Il y a des gens qui parlent français |
a preposition | Note that this
is an adverbial expression, so it belongs in the adverb section
mentioned above: C'est à Noël qu'ils viennent = It's at Christmas that they are coming |
Il est
à Londres = He is in London (elle est à Londres =
she's in London) Il est en Angleterre = He is in England |
the name of someone | C'est Martine = It's Martine | |
a pronoun | C'est moi ! = It's me! |
It has a liaison ("ploo" or "plooz") with ... Adverb of negation il ne les voit plus = He doesn't see them any more (ne)... plus plus de + noun plus que = (only) il n'y a (guère) plus que huit jours avant les vacances = there's only (about) a week to go before the holidays and with... qui plus est (same as 'de plus') = furthermore plus ou moins = more or less Plus on est de fous, plus on rit = The more the merrier. |
It's pronounced "ploos" when it
is a ... conjunction (joining words together like the English word "and") quatre plus cinq font neuf = four plus five is nine tous les voisins, plus leur enfants = all the neighbours plus their children masculine noun (as in "the plus") les plus de ... = the plus points of... Quels sont les plus de ce produit par rapport aux autres ? = what does this product have that the others don't? And with... d'autant plus ! = All the more reason! (that you should) plus que jamais = more than ever |
Pronounce it either as "ploo" OR "ploos": au plus = at the most de plus (same as 'qui plus est') = furthermore, additional (j'ai un stylo de plus = I have an additional pen) de plus en plus = more and more en plus = extra en plus de = on top of / in addition to ("en plus de cela..." = on top of all that...) tout au plus = at the very most une fois de plus = once more |
Other ways Adverbs (superlative use - the best, the most) It is pronounced "ploo(s)" before a consonant (optional 's'), "ploo-z" before a vowel and "ploos" at the end of a phrase. ce que j'aime le plus ... = what I like best / the most ... Adverb (comparative usage) French way, ploo and plooz, "ploos" at the end of a phrase, "ploo(s)" before que (optional 's') il devrait lire plus = he should read more vous travaillez plus (que nous) = you work more (than us) J'aime la musique plus que tout au monde = I like music more than anything else plus + adjective or adverb il est plus large (que l'autre) = it's wider (than the other one) Only as "ploo" plus + adverb = more + adverb tant et plus de = ever so much |
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