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My other websites
Accent editor software (program, application)My FREE accent
editor program!
YouTubeMyYouTube PageMy skating website My Spanish website My maths website

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Spanish Help Pages
My website has:

Arrow Helpful documents about French
Arrow Clarification of French grammar
Arrow Helpful reference lists
Arrow An analysis of words and grammar
oO° R e s o n a n c e °Oo LaaLaa
Well, this is probably the only way I'm going to get to be a teacher.
I am not planning to make this in to a French language wiki on wikipedia
Avez-vous remarqué que dans la rue, les seules personnes qui sourient sont celles qui téléphonent ?

Mes documents utiles
Mon site web a:

Arrow Des documents au sujet du français
Arrow Mon éclaircissement de la grammaire
Arrow Mes listes de référance
Arrow Une analyse de les mots et la grammaire
Site Description
I have written this because I have made lists of the parts of French that I had trouble with and I thought I would share my information with you to clarify some of the more difficult bits of the language.
I am also trying to collate all words of a certain type to make reference lists (e.g. all verbs that use the subjunctive) which are labelled LIST and I would appreciate any corrections or additional information. You can contact me at the bottom of the page.
By the way, the banner adverts on this site are not mine. They are automatically generated and I can't stop them.
Une description de mon site
J'ai écrit ce site web parce que j'ai écrit des lists et des documents au sujet de la grammaire. Je veux les partager.
J'essaie de rassembler des listes et je vous remercie pour votre aide.
À propos, les bannières annonces sur ce site ne sont pas les miennes. Je ne peux pas les arrêter de apparaître.
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My other websites
Accent editor software (program, application)My FREE accent
editor program!
YouTubeMyYouTube PageMy skating website My Spanish website My maths website

Mes documents
Basics / important stuff
An EASY way of entering accented letters like êœæçÄÊÈŒèà (my on screen keyboard program)
Normal way of entering accented letters (alt + number)
My explanation of gendered nouns (they are not too difficult to understand)
When to use le / un / de etc. to mean the / a / an / some and any
Numbers and exceptions in French
Unusual adjectives
Aspects of time, ago, since, had been...
Example questions (yet to finish)
Possession - how to say my / mine / your / yours etc.
Conditional sentences (if A happens, B will happen)
Liaisons - when do I link words together?
Making comparisons and saying the best ... / the worst ... with adjectives and adverbs

My videos:
Tutorial for writing accented letters
Learning different languages
Difficult French numbers
French verb patterns part 1: Overview, present, imperfect and pluperfect tenses
...more videos planned...
Could you make this video go viral please?
What's the difference? 
This section will be expanded upon in time
What's the difference between an or année, jour or journée, matin or matinée, soir or soirée?
Because - What's the difference between parce que and car?
C'est / il est?
hear or listen, entendre or écouter?
to return - rendre or retourner?
another / again - do I use autre or encore?
Do I use de or des with beaucoup / combien etc. pas... what's the difference between je ne peux pas le faire and je peux ne pas le faire?
When do I use l'on and l'un instead of 'on' and 'un'?
The difference between information and renseignement
To leave - partir, s'en aller, laisser, quitter and sortir
Thank you for...  + de or pour?
What's the difference between quand and lorsque?
The pronunciation of plus (ploo, plooz or ploos?)

How do I translate...?
I'm building up a new section here
How do I translate whatever or whoever?
Do you like / enjoy ... + noun / verb ... ?
How much is it?
I love / like you

Pronouns, look-up tables and examples
Questions with pronouns (with lots of look-up tables)
Relative pronouns (yet to finish)

The subjunctive section
LIST All VERBS that use the subjunctive (Verb + que + subjunctive)
LIST All conjunctions including those that use the subjunctive

Miscellaneous documents
Verb tense summary
LIST All VERBS that have à / de before a verb or unexpected use before a noun
External Links:
My free and legal software recommendations! (on my Spanish website)
Michel Thomas free tryout languages site - he is the BEST language teacher I have ever known and you can download the first CD of his courses (note that he managed to do the French, Spanish, German and Italian courses before his death. Different teachers did the other languages)
You may want to look at Paul Noble's courses. They are in a similar style to Michel Thomas but he does away with students in favour of native speakers which I think is a better idea.
Information about individual words ( - this is an excellent reference

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Avez-vous trouvé une erreur ou voulez-vous m'envoyer plus d'information supplémentaire?
My contact address

SkiingSee my videos here
Vea mis vídeos aquí
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I love rollerblading!

End of the page / le bas de la page
Languages I speak
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