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Contents |
do I translate
whatever or whoever? Do you like / enjoy ... + noun / verb ... ? How much is it? I love / like you |
Pronoun | Notes | Example |
quoi que ce soit qui | "whatever" subject Use the subjunctive afterwards |
This is the
subject and will replace the word 'il'. I understand that this expression is avoided. Try to use "quel que soit" below. |
quoi que | "whatever" object Use the subjunctive afterwards |
This is the
object. The 'whatever' part is referring to something that would come
after the verb. Quoi que nous décidions, nous devons en tenir informés nos administrés (= quelle que soit la chose que nous décidions…) =Whatever we decide, we must keep our citizens informed Il voulait obtenir gain de cause, quoi qu'il arrive = He wanted to succeed, no matter what. |
quel(le)(s) que soit + noun | "whatever" The quel part is the adjective |
If you make
quel in to a plural (quels, quelles) then you must make the soit part
plural too - soient. This implies that there is a choice of a number of things. This can be used instead of whoever as an object if you say "quelle que soit la personne que..." = which ever may be the person that ...". You may be able to use "n'importe quel(le)" instead when you can say "any book / country etc." |
quoi que ce soit | "anything at
all" This is used as a pronoun |
Vous pouvez lui demander quoi que ce soit, il saura vous répondre = You can ask him anything, he will answer you. |
qui que | whoever | |
Qui que ce soit qui | "whoever" subject Use the subjunctive afterwards |
I understand
that this is rarely used. If you want to be more formal, use quiconque which is used without the subjunctive. This is the subject and will replace the word 'il'. You may also see "celui qui" or "celle qui" for "the one that" e.g. "the one that tells me the truth will ..." instead of "whoever tells me the truth will ...". Just "qui" may also translate is whoever without the subjunctive if you just mean "who did that?" or "whoever told you that?" |
qui que ce soit que | "whoever" object Use the subjunctive afterwards |
If you want to
be more formal, use quiconque which is used without the subjunctive. An alternative is "quelle que soit la personne que..." = which ever may be the person that ..." A qui que ce soit que nous parlions, il faut être poli = Anyone we talk to, we must be polite (this form sounds heavy, avoid) A quiconque parlera, il intimera l'ordre de se taire = Whoever speaks, he gave the order to be silent (this form is preferred) |
= to like / love There is a difference in meaning whether you use a noun (something that can be used with 'the' - the car, the man etc.) or a verb (something that can be used with 'to' - to be, to go etc.) With a noun: Aimez-vous le patinage à roulettes? = Do you like roller-skating? (the activity of roller-skating, watching, learning etc.) Vous aimez la pêche? = Do you like fishing? (it is a noun) Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus : la plage ou la piscine ? = Which do you like better, the beach or the swimming pool? Est-ce que vous aimeriez faire une partie de tennis cet après-midi ? = Would you like to play a game of tennis this afternoon?
With a verb: Aimez-vous faire du patin à roulettes? = Do you like roller-skating? (refering to doing an activity - do you roller-skate?) Aimez-vous skier? = Do you like skiing? J'aime bien jouer aux cartes = I like playing cards (I think bien is an intensifier, meaning quite) You can use 'bien' as an intensifier, aimer bien faire = I (really) like doing aimer à faire = I like to do / I like doing J'aime à croire que ... = I like to think that ... Est-ce que vous avez aimé le film? = Have you enjoyed the film? |
= to entertain / amuse oneself je me suis vraiment bien amusé = I really enjoyed myself Ils se sont bien amusés en France = They enjoyed themselves in France Je m'amuse à parler avec vous = I enjoy speaking with you Est-ce vous vous êtes bien amusés à la fête? = Did you enjoy yourself at the party Note: s'amuser de quelque chose = to find something amusing s'amuser avec / de quelqu'un = to make a fool of somebody |
= to please Have you enjoyed your visit so far? = Votre visite vous plaît-elle pour l'instant? I enjoyed my stay very much - mon séjour m'a beaucoup plu cette chanson me plaît = This song pleases me (I like this song) Ça te plairait d'aller au cinéma = would you like to go to the cinema? (would it please you ...) |
plaisir Ceci me fait plaisir = I'm delighted with this Ce manteau me fait très plaisir = I am very pleased with this coat |
Préférer You could ask someone what they prefer Que préférez-vous, du thé ou du café ? = what would you prefer - tea of coffee? | |||||
Other ways of
translating "to enjoy" to have the benefit of health / fortune - jouir de (formal) to have the benefit of success - connaître |
fait combien? Combien ça fait? C'est combien? Ça coûte combien? |
} How much is it? |
ça vaut? Ça vaut combien? |
} How much is it? (How much is it worth? - from the verb valoir) |
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